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Сэтгэгдэл унтраалттай
Жескач | 25 өдрийн өмнө

The old professor is still so chipper! About his age except that the skin indicates, and so the device works and functions as it should. This was not particularly pleasant for the student, but what can you do, if she did not want to learn. She should have thought about it earlier, or else she had to catch up with everyone else by urgent intake of proteins and proteins from smarter people. It's okay, a semester or two and she'll be up to speed.

Вика Делова | 44 өдрийн өмнө

Би үүнийг хийж чадна.

өмд | 39 өдрийн өмнө

Нэг усан санд гурван халуухан охинтой уулзах нь маш их аз юм! Тэд бүгдээрээ хамгийн сайн эмэгтэй шиг харагдахыг хүсдэг. Дүгнэлт гаргахын тулд бүгдийг нь новш болгох хэрэгтэй. Азтай залуу үлгэрт гардаг бололтой!

Берек | 10 өдрийн өмнө


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